Thursday, April 12, 2007

Spring Snow

April rains a comin'
A drippin' n a drummin'
A pat, pat, pattering down

Oh how I long for the days of Spring time rain showers and blooming daises. It's April 12th and it snowed yesterday! Seriously, it God damned snowed outside! I guess that's what I get for living in Chicago. The Windy City, oh how I love thee.


a good piece of furniture can make your house a home, make your arse not ache, and make your overall life just a little better.

this is me, with my terrier, on my couch. it is oh so glorious!

Tulippy Dulippy TOO

i heart flowers. they bring me peace of mind, a sense of calmness and serenity.


why is it that not everyone can be as smart as me? i don't know if it's even a case of being as smart as me as it is a case of just having common courtesy. example 1: property mgr not calling to explain an extra doc is needed in order to process an application and instead waiting for us to magically read her mind. is it so hard to do your job and be courteous at the same time? NO! now on to the next case of rudeness. example #2: a real estate agent calling the evening before to explain that she will be by the following day at noon to show the apartment we're living in. WTF?!?! hold on and let me drop everything to be at your beck and call. as if i would allow you in my place without me being there. let me run a criminal background check real quick.

shut up!!!

why is it that some people just won't take a hint and leave me alone. i mean, if i seem in a "leave me alone" mood, i probably am. it's not everyone, just one person i work with that just won't shut up. she talks. alot. and she doesn't just talk in a so called normal tone, but in a very loud, fast, "in your face" tone. she would be bearable if she would speak like a civilized human being and not some crazed drug addict. ahhhh....... my head hurts.